Press Kit
Short Bio
J. Johnson Higgins is a fantasy and horror author, researcher, and musician. He holds a PhD and a Master's in Public Policy from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). He currently lives in Maryland. He is the author of two books: The Legend of the Dark Messiah: the Mask and the Sword and its sequel Volume II--A Wicked Storm.
​​​​J. Johnson Higgins Author Photos:
J. Johnson Higgins Book Info:
ISBN Listings:​
Legend of the Dark Messiah: The Mask and the Sword [iUniverse Press, 2007 (rev. 2010)]
Paperback: ISBN 059547215X
Hardcover: ISBN 0595709133
Kindle: ASIN: B006Z2RCD0
Legend of the Dark Messiah: Volume II-A Wicked Storm (iUniverse Press, 2012)
Paperback: ISBN 1475922876
Hardcover: ISBN 1475922892
Kindle: ASIN: B0087OSITG